Commercial broadcasting

What Is Internet Radio: Most Frequently Asked Questions

Internet radio is what you would expect it to be. It is what it sounds like: a way to listen to music, talk shows, news programs, and other types of programming over the internet. It’s also what many people are using as their main source for listening to content online these days. You can use your computer or mobile device in order to tune into any station that you wish with just a few clicks of the mouse or taps on your screen!

1. What Do You Mean by “Internet Radio”?

Internet radio is a broadcast signal that can be streamed online. Think of it like an FM or AM station but over the internet. An internet radio is a digital audio service that broadcasts via the web. Because it isn’t spread widely through wireless means, webcasting is often used to describe broadcasting over the Internet. This technology to help listeners tune in via their computer and some radios have this option built-in as well.

2. Is Internet Radio the Same as Streaming Radio?

Internet radio is a broadcast signal that can be streamed online. Think of it like an FM or AM station but over the internet. It uses what we call “streaming audio” technology to help listeners tune in via their computer and some radios have this option built-in as well. This means that your device needs to be connected to the internet to receive the radio station. The internet connection can be Wi-Fi or mobile data.

  • Web radio,
  • net radio,
  • streaming radio,
  • e-radio,
  • IP radio,
  • online radio are all other names for internet radio.

3. How Can I Listen to Internet Radio?

To listen to internet radio what you’ll need is a computer or mobile device, an active broadband internet connection and software that can be installed on the machine. The most common program used for online streaming audio is VLC Media Player which many people believe has better playback capabilities than other players. Chances are it will already have been downloaded onto your system since it’s free of charge so all you need to do now is start this up and choose “Open Network” from its file menu.

You may also find some radios online but these don’t always work as well as they should.

4. Can I Listen to Internet Radio via App?

To listen to live and on-demand radio, music mixes, and podcasts, download the app like BBC Sounds app for your mobile or tablet. There are some apps that can be downloaded onto your device too which you might not have known about. TuneIn Radio is one of the most popular ones with over 50,000 stations available for listeners in more than 150 countries worldwide!

5. Why Internet Radio Is so Popular?

Lets go on with what makes up internet radio: what you’ll see typically when accessing these types of stations will not only give information about what type of music is being played (pop, rock, classic etc.), but there may also be chat options for users to participate live by sending messages back and forth which can create interesting conversation between other people who are listening at the same time.

6. Is Internet Radio Better than FM?

Are you considering what is internet radio and how to listen to internet radio ? You might be wondering if it’s better than FM. It can actually depend on what sort of online station you’re listening too. But in general, internet stations are just as good quality-wise since they use the same codecs that traditional broadcasters.

7. Do I Have to Pay for Internet Radio?

Most of internet radios is free. These radio station’s cover themselves by paying for what’s known as a “blanket license” or “umbrella license”. Still, there are online stations that do require a subscription or to be logged in with your account to listen.

Happy Listening!

Thanks to the Internet, we can listen to our favorite music and podcasts wherever we are. We don’t have to worry about missing out on all our favorite songs or shows. With a little research on your preferred genre, you should be able to find stations that play what you like best, even if they are streamed from all over the world!

Annabel Watson

Published by
Annabel Watson

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